Each project is tailored specifically to the needs of the client and their location, creating a bespoke product.

what a willow fence gives you
Willow is a flexible, organic material which blends in perfectly with natural surroundings. The smooth curves combine with a natural aging of colour to provide protection and privacy where visual appearance is important. The subtle craft of willow weaving goes back thousand of years, it is simple, effective and attractive.
Our willow fencing will last for many years depending on location, the extremity of weather conditions and the amount of physical wear and tear.
Every fence is built on site using either a steel or wooden framework. Our fences can be built from ground level or can be constructed on top of walls. Construction accomodates the undulations of the ground and can be shaped around obstacles as well as butted up to buildings.
We have been using the same supplier in Somerset for many years who provides us with top grade English willow.
Our prices are based on woven square feet.
“A wonderful fence - woven with skill, efficiency and attention to detail. It has improved our garden and is much admired by us and all who pass by."
Jill and Peter
“I have admired woven fences for years and finally took the plunge. It has totally completed the look of the front of our house and drive: we are thrilled with it."
Helen from Ardleigh